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Old 12-03-2013, 05:39 PM   #13642 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Irish black comedy with Dylan Moran, Mark Doherty, Keith Allen and David O' Doherty. Quite a farcical tale of two friends in the midst of an ongoing war with their landlord for unpaid rent, as well as problems in their personal lives, who experience a bizarre, far-fetched and completely unbelievable chain of events that leave them looking like murderers. It's farcical and silly, but also so dark and gruesome that it is almost difficult to find the humour in it. Interesting but ultimately average.

Comedy about two friends who work together at an American craft brewery and what appears to be their unspoken attraction to one another, aswell as their relationships with their respective partners. It isn't a rom-com, it isnt a laugh out loud comedy, it's a decent enough watch but again ultimately average and forgettable.

I also recently decided to start re-watching films I have seen but not for a long time. Some of which I havent seen in so long that maybe my memory of them isnt great. I watched The Exorcist, and I know this often divides opinion, but I watched it for the first time since I was about 15 and maybe its just because I was young, or because it's rather old now, older than I am, but all I could think while watching it is that while it is creepy it isn't particularly scary, and I don't remember it being quite so....funny.

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