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Old 12-07-2013, 08:26 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Heavy Doom

I've been off of drugs for quite a while and along with them went the sub-genre of Doom Metal, which used to be one of my favorite things. But I still get cravings and I've found myself riding that old doom dick again lately. That said, I'm a little bit over the classic stoner doom sound and find myself going for the heavier sub-sub genres. Funeral Black Death Doom seems to be what I'm looking for but I have no time for genre classification, especially as there about as many Doom sub-genres as there are Nicolas Cage films so I'm not going to quibble over that.

Being off the demon weed, I don't find myself listening to Electric Wizard much anymore, or any of the hundreds of Doom bands who sound exactly like them (groovy, bass-heavy, slow, etc). However, I do still occasionally appreciate that sound. I really like the new Cough/Windhand split for instance. The music is pretty great and the cover art is beautiful. I'm always a sucker for images of a human with the head of a goat.

But I'm after the heavier stuff really. Probably my favorite Doom band right now is Wormphlegm, a band from Finland. I love their combination of evil vocals, standard rock-n-roll instrumentation, and extremely slow pacing. Their 'Tomb of the Ancient King' album is a masterpiece.

I'm hoping to add more installations of Heavy Doom and, although this journal hates democracy, I would like to hear suggestions if you have any. I can always spend a few hours on Encyclopaedia Mettallum looking for more but I will appreciate this community's suggestions because there are only so many hours in a day. And I like to spend my time doing the things that this music accompanies nicely: taking long walks, bike rides along the river, and doing yoga. Namaste

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