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Old 12-17-2013, 10:09 AM   #1927 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Screen13 View Post
Bob Geldolf, Sir Bob to some, was part of "Do They Know It's Christmas"/Band Aid, which might cause a lot of people in The UK, Ireland, and other places where they had more than just one small charting single to remember them ("I Don't Like Mondays" only got somewhere in the 70's or 60's on the US charts due to it's subject matter). Sometimes lumped in with Punk by those who remember the first album, they were really not too much part of that scene, so in a way they were over-rated by some through their first appearances which were shows more to be Pop in wild clothes with a charismatic singer. They were a good Rock/Pop band for a while until V Deep seriously killed their stride (1982), but I would say that post-1981, it would be Geldolf who's the over-rated one although I have to say that Is That All is very good reading considering how the Late 70's music scene was treated by the US wings of the major record companies who never would have thought that rock bands and videos would really go together (suits always lived in the past!)...but his solo music is certainly not worth really writing home about.
This kind of goes to my point. While they may have been overrated by some in the UK over thirty years ago, they're not a band who are presently very highly regarded.
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