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Old 12-24-2013, 08:51 PM   #3 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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An Age for Lucifer: Predatory Spirituality and the Quest for Godhood by Robert C. Tucker (1999, Holmes Publishing Group)

This is one of the most eye-opening of the various Black Books I have read. Tucker does a lot of work with young people who practice or claim to practice Satanism or Black Magic/Left-Handed Path-type spirituality. In his years of doing so, he began to notice a certain similarity in the subjects of his study. One of the things he realized quickly was that he had to educate himself, immerse himself, in the Left-Handed or Black Arts because without an intimate knowledge of the subject, the people he wanted to interview would not talk to him. They saw themselves as a new type of organism and other humans as lesser organisms towards whom they felt a deep contempt and arrogance. If you know nothing of their type of spirituality, you are less than a piece of s-hit and even less worthy of being addressed. To gain their respect, Tucker had to learn how they think and why. I’ll let him describe what he found:

This book explores a strange new spirituality about to enter into competition with other established religions. My purpose here is to convince you that its emergence is probable, if not inevitable.

I begin this exploration with an unproven assumption based on Darwinian evolutionary principles: a new predator will appear on our planet, an evolutionary prototype designed to prey on humans. Another assumption then follows: this predator will evolve gradually and incrementally from humanity, just as we apparently evolved from lower forms to prey on them. A further assumption suggests that these predators have already appeared as evolutionary prototypes, as new humans with advanced methods of survival and new forms of spiritual expression and religious organization designed to support and advance their predation.

What follows is a kind of manifesto of this new human. Tucker refers to this new human predator as a “Luciferian.” Lucifer means “light-bringer” and the subjects that Tucker has interviewed over the years do regard themselves as bringing the True Light to humanity—the light of predation. Tucker claims that the book is part imagination, part conjecture, part fact. He writes in a combination of Luciferian and therapist. While he wouldn’t go so far as to say the book is channeled, he says he would just let his thoughts flow while he took it all down. But this is not a stream-of-consciousness book, it is, in fact, well organized and extensive (376 pp.) Here are some examples:

In chapter 3 entitled “Devouring,” Tucker-as-Luciferian states, “Luciferianism can be understood in part as a philosophical and spiritual extension of eating and consuming. When compassion, empathy and conscience are killed, then devouring and consuming can swell proportionately. When the impediments to personal power acquisition are removed, the devouring the life energies of other beings becomes easy: I become stronger as you become weaker, I absorb strength as yours flows into me. I am capable of this because I do not experience your pain, I do not care about your loss, and I feel no remorse or regret about using, abusing and devouring you.”

“This system of devouring is not limited to the animal world. Large corporations devour and consume smaller ones; large nation states devour the resources of less powerful ones. On a personal level, human beings constantly consume the emotional and intellectual energies of others. The hierarchy of devouring rips into our personal and collective lives like a dripping claw.”

“To a Luciferian, life is as it is. Cruelty and devouring are the way of things, so why not adapt? Why not admit the obvious and become good at it? All else is simply illusion. There is only one reality, and that is acquiring the power to devour ‘up the hierarchy’ biologically, personally, socially, and politically.”

The Luciferian drains her victim by isolating him from everything else he loves. If not, then he might find the strength to pull away. She will make him love her and only her by cutting him off from friends, family, hobbies, interests and even habits. She will rule his universe completely. He will kill and die for her. He will be incapable of thinking a bad thought about her. His every thought and deed is done with only her in mind. Tucker terms this as the Luciferian “becoming the object of focus.” She will drain him until he “collapses,” i.e. when his entire core energies have been sucked clean. This is called “assaulting the core.” Even if he begins to understand the hold she has on him and starts to struggle, she will hold on and continue to drain. Even if he starts to hate, loath and despise her, these emotions provide just as intense an energy as the love and adulation and she will continue to feed off them until the victim’s core collapses.

He will not be allowed to recover his energies for a second draining, the reason being that he might then find the strength to pull away which is defeat for the Luciferian which results in a loss of energy in the form of self-esteem and pride issues which is difficult for the Luciferian to recover from because she is an arrogant and supremely self-confident being. The only way to damage a Luciferian other than outright killing him, is for the intended victim to damage his ego by cutting off his predation before he is finished. Secondly, the collapse is like an orgasm in that it brings a rush of new, intense energies with it that can be had no other way—like breaking open the bone to get to the marrow. To the Luciferian, this rush of energy is deeply satisfying.

After that, with the victim entirely drained, collapsed and ruined, the Luciferian moves onto the next victim. Of course, the relationships don’t have to be romantic in nature. A Luciferian can procure victims while posing as a clergyman, a guru, a financial advisor, a psychologist, a salesman, a spouse, a parent, a sibling, a lawyer, a banker, a boss, a psychic, a cop—just about anything that puts him or her in a position to isolate and devour victims.

Luciferianism can be generational in that a parent can feed off a child until its core collapses and the child will, in turn, turn to emotional cannibalism in all its future relationships. Why don’t victims break away sooner? The fact is, they rarely do. Scientology is a good example of a Luciferian organization. First, it isolates the new recruit (victim) from friends and family and destroys any outside interests or hobbies that cannot be put to use for “the Org.” They punish members for various infractions within the Org. Why don’t they leave? In the words of one man who did leave after many years of the Org’s abuse: “I don’t know anything else.” He had spent three decades in the Org and simply did not know how to handle life without it. We see the same with people who have been caught up in predatory romances. When asked why he doesn’t leave, he answers, “I can’t! I love her!” Or she says, “I can’t! He’s all I know about love!”

How does one go about assaulting the core? Tucker points out:

A known set of techniques can be used to commit psychological assault. These techniques have evolved in the last twenty years [a little over 30 years at the time of this writing] and can now be described as a sophisticated technology. (These techniques will not be discussed here: please refer to Singer, Schein, Lifton, and others for details). To be effective, the technology must be systematic: it must be used over time and in a specific sequence.

An abusive spouse is a Luciferian to a slight degree. He beats his wife, controls her, insults her, intimidates her and makes her hate herself. Above all, he makes her feel powerless. That without him, she is nothing. This is a core assault but it is not Luciferianism precisely, it’s more of an analogy. Perhaps one of the best true Luciferians I can think of is Charles Manson (although Tucker’s Luciferian denies it). He never beat or even insulted the women under his command. Quite the opposite—he told them they were beautiful. He simply “moved in.” His core assault was complete and systematic. Instead of being traumatized into giving in psychologically as with an abusive spouse, Manson assaulted their core identities without them even realizing it. They gave themselves over to him with complete willingness.

A follower named Paul Watkins stated, “Everything I was, was Charlie. There was nothing left of me anymore.” Of the other Family members, Watkins said, “There’s nothing left of them anymore either. They’re all Charlie too.” Now that is textbook perfect Luciferian core assault. When the father of Susan Atkins, a military man, went to confront Manson and kill him, he instead fell on his knees before the scruffy, little guru and began to worship him. So complete was his domination that when Family members heard him speaking inside their heads, they truly thought it was telepathic communication. Susan Atkins stated some years after the murders for which she was sentenced to life in prison that it took five years for her to get Charlie out of her head.

Manson stunned other cult leaders because they had to promise their followers a reward such as enlightenment or passage to heaven or godhood and they practiced rituals and wore ceremonial costumes and wrote books or pamphlets and had occult bookstores and coffeehouses and rock or folk bands to spread their word but Manson had none of that. For the Family, the only reward was simply to be with Charlie. And it worked.

Manson is as close to a true Luciferian as I can think of and he is a scary guy because of this amazing power he has to psychologically dominate people completely without expending much effort to do it and without their even suspecting what he was doing to them.

We have to hope he is unique and that there was never anyone like him before and never will be again but, if Tucker is correct, Manson is just the vanguard of a new race.

But Manson has been called a psychopath. So isn’t the Luciferian just a self-glorified psychopath? According to Tucker, while there are a great many similarities between a psychopath and a Luciferian, there are profound differences. To a Luciferian, a psychopath is merely a lower order predator. A psychopath is a hyena that scavenges the bones left behind by the lion. The Luciferian and the psychopath share a love for the glory of the hunt and moment of the kill but this is only a means to an end for the Luciferian but is the end-all for the psychopath. The Luciferian has learned to crush out all feelings of empathy and conscience, seeing them as an impediment to power while the psychopath was simply born without them and has no experience of them to draw from. The psychopath wastes his predatory instincts only to enrich his sexual, materialistic and/or narcissistic urges while the Luciferian hones his skills to achieve personal godhood. To a Luciferian, a psychopath is beneath contempt but they still recognize that the psychopath may be an ancestor of the Luciferian or that they spring from the same source with the Luciferian being more evolved.

Tucker writes:

Psychopaths do not even rate as good food for devouring, because they lack nourishment. Luciferians cannot live off them. Hence the great disrespect that Luciferians have for psychopaths. They are not even worth the effort of predation. At least other victims stand for something—for decency, love, compassion, morality. Their stand gives them a certain kind of nobility (and hence edible energy), albeit the nobility the predator assigns to his prey. But psychopaths have never possessed this nobility and never will. As a result, they are to be despised and destroyed, not cultivated. They are an experimental prototype only, and not worth supporting or devouring.

This debate will probably remain unresolved. Some Luciferians will try to cultivate and use psychopaths, others will simply erase them whenever possible.

However, in The Psychopath’s Bible, psychopathy is very definitely touted as a form of spirituality and a path to immortality. There doesn’t appear to be a great deal of difference between a Toxick Magician and a Luciferian. Hence the Luciferian appears to be a psychopath with a certain spiritual view different from what many psychopaths exhibit. As a result, he sees himself as different from and superior to the psychopath that just wants to take people’s life savings or live high on the hog without doing anything to earn it or torture and kill prostitutes or little kids to get off sexually. Even having a spiritual view is not enough to elevate a psychopath to a Luciferian.

Zodiac, for example, believed his psychopathic worldview was a path to “Masterhood” and that those he killed would be his slaves in the afterlife. But his predation simply consisted of killing rather than the eating of another’s emotional and intellectual energies for power and ultimately the attainment of Godhood. No Luciferian would waste his time writing taunting letters to the cops and the newspapers for kicks. He doesn’t get his kicks that way and doesn’t respect anyone who does. To a Luciferian, Zodiac is an amateur and a hack in need of being liquidated. To the Toxick Magician, he is simply a sociopath and incapable of internalizing the spirituality that psychopathy offers and therefore just another foil to be assisted in his own destruction. The only difference I see between the Toxick Magician and the Luciferian is that the latter cannot feed off a sociopath like Zodiac and so would just kill him to be rid of him and keep him from killing the types of people that the Luciferian seeks to devour (i.e. they are competing for the same food sources) while the former would still gain power and control by helping this individual bring about his own demise.
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