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Old 12-31-2013, 06:41 AM   #35 (permalink)
watching the wheels
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Finland
Posts: 470

As everybody knows, there is probably just one genre I know something about. And so I think I'll write about the sixties now. I just listened Beatles' Revolver again, I do it maybe once in a month or so, and everytime it amazes me.
While White Album may be more diverse, Sgt Pepper may be more famous and Abbey Road's b-side may be the best b-side ever, I still prefer Revolver. I know, it is hard to tell why it is so great, but I'll try and you pretend that you are interested?

So if Rubber Soul still included some lightweight pop numbers (don't get me wrong, I love lightweight pop), Revolver did not. I have no problems with lightweight pop, and I completely adore early Beatles, but when you have just listened In My Life and after that comes Wait, you know...was wait released in 1964 it would have been perfect, and it is good song, no matter what you say, but it just is kinda pale when you compare it to In My Life.

I got a feeling I'm just repeating other people's points...never mind. Let's pretend they are my own.

So now, because I'm afraid I'm not boring enough yet, let's do a track by track journey through one of the most enjoyable music albums ever, shall we?

The first song is called FATMAN! Oh, no not, though it could be a good title. It is SCATMAN...oops it is actually very ****ty song, now I guess it is Batman. It tells a tale how Batman and Robin(son Crusoe) saved Got Ham city.
It is funny how Georgie, always the most spiritual Beatle, was the one who complained about money. I can smell irony...or maybe it is just that poop that is under my bed. Nevermind.
However, The Jam later stole Taxman's bassline (Haha, nice wordplay) and used it in their song called Start!.10/10

Next one is a song Paul wrote when he was trying to get a date with some old woman. You know, Paul could not stand the idea that there's someone in the world of ours that doesn't love him. So he wrote this one, but cos the lady refuse to marry him, Paul got angry and decided that that woman should die. Anyway, it is a great song. And while Ray Davies from the Kinks once said that those string are overcheesy Horrorwood crap, I must agree. I love that arrangement. And as usual, John's and Paul's harmonies are as angelic as anything. 10/10

This is getting boring, right?

Next song is my favorite. There's nothing as great as just sleeping and wasting time. It is something I'm good at. John's I'm Only Sleeping rules. Especially that backward solo. It rules. 10/10

Next one is an Indian bore. But, look, it somehow manages rock. That sitar solo really gets you a-going, man. As a song it is not as good, but that solo is great. Thanks,Georgious. 8/10

You know, nobody with self-respect should like the next one. It is by the book ballad by Paul. But on the other hand, those harmonies rule. Am I just a sissy if I dig it? If all by the book ballad were like this, soft rock would not be as miserable genre as it is. 9/10

So already, after four songs, we have heard one rocker about taxes, one classically influenced chamber pop song, one psychedelic pop song about sleeping and one Brian Wilson influenced ballad. And when you think there is not gonna be more surprises, then: there's a children song about YELLOW SUBMARINES. AND IT IS SUNG BY RINGO. AND IT INCLUDES FUNNY VOICES. WUHUUUUUUUUU. I don't know why everyone hates it, I think it quite decent and at least funny. 7/10



So, you know, just as you started to think "Sitars and children songs are quite allright on their own way but I would like to hear some guitars", then there comes a John-penned guitar rocker about LSD trip. Yeah, hippiees. And drugs. And unicorns. And Marc Bolan. Flying saucer. And so on. The song is good anyway, though it is not groundbreaking, but even a decent Beatles songs is usually a masterpiece. At least it is better than anything by the friggin' Eagles. Or ICP. 8/10

I'll discuss the rest later, I'll go now. Maybe I should count the average value of these songs so then I could compare albums that have different amount of songs. I don't know. But, the rest of that overlong review or whatever that is will come later.
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