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Old 12-31-2013, 12:18 PM   #286 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ladyislingering View Post
As long as I've been alive, I've never had a desire to be around children. I've never wanted one of my own, and I've never been able to find any reason why it would be a logical decision for me (or anyone).

Usually when people find out about this, they're aghast. They're so offended by a woman in charge of her body, making her own decisions about what she wants or doesn't want to do with it. They can't believe what they're hearing. I get a lot of hate for my lifestyle, and it surprises me. The love of my life has the same beliefs I do about the childfree life: it's fabulous, rewarding, and what we'll keep on doing forever. Neither of us want children, and here's why I believe a lot of people could benefit from swearing off the social pressure of having children.

Think about it: why do people have children? Most of the time it's because that's what they think they're "supposed to do". People follow this ridiculous recipe for the "perfect" life, and they lose themselves in it.

First I'll discuss the things that we enjoy as a childfree couple, then I'll let you in on my personal freedoms and pleasures that would be robbed from me if I made the mistake of having a child.

Spoiler for disclaimer:
I don't hate or look down on people who have children if they genuinely love them and are able to take care of them to the best of their ability. I just don't want to be one of them.

As a childfree couple, we are able to:

Spoiler for politely contained in a spoiler to minimize stretching:
Buy nice things for each other, and fill our apartment with nice things without having to worry about child-proofing.

Sleep in on our days off, sleep early, sleep late. Sleep whenever it's convenient. God, we love our sleep. The only thing either of us will wake up for in the middle of the night is a long piss, maximum of a minute or two, and we're back to sleep. Can't do that with screaming gremlins.

Save a ton of money on everything because we don't have to buy things for children. When we get our cats, it'll still be easy. Cat food is less than 75 cents per can, and you can buy kibble in giant bags. It's like giving up a weekly Starbucks run. It's nothin'. And cat litter is infinitely cheaper than baby diapers or any other ridiculous thing those smelly ingrates require.

Uninterrupted sex. And I have a nice figure that will never be destroyed by childbearing. I'll never have a cavernous vagina, or a flabby body for the vain hope of letting forth my genetics, creating a human that will hate me when they're 12. Fuck that!

Dual income, and we don't have to worry about planning our days around kids. We can both work as much as we please, spend our days off however we want, and enjoy ourselves.

Minimal chores, and the grossest it gets is a mildly dirty toilet. No diaper changing, no sponging up projectile vomit (at least when cats vomit, it doesn't get everywhere), no dirty face to wipe off, no food or boogers or poop smeared on walls. We only have to take out the trash once a week.

Endless time to surf the internet or relax together however we please.

There are many more that I'm possibly forgetting, but our life is truly beautiful because we don't have any kids, and never will.

Some of the little things I enjoy as a child-free woman:

Spoiler for contained in a spoiler as to not stretch your page:
Taking as much time as I like to put on make-up, fix my hair, choose the right outfit, etc. I don't have to worry about keeping an eye on a child, or dressing a child. I can take my time and work on myself.

My record collection, and the fact that I can leave my phonograph unattended and not have to worry about some nasty little brat ruining the record or the machine.

I can maintain ass-length hair and not have it pulled or messed by a child.

I can have dozens of candles all around the apartment. It's much easier to cat-proof than to child-proof your candle burning zones. Cats don't have thumbs.

I can devote all of my attention to the one I love. He'll never be neglected in any way (as I'm sure many fathers are - mom doesn't have time for baby and dad).

I don't need to buy health insurance. I don't have it, and I don't feel I need it. If I had a kid, I'd have to pay for all of that shit. No thanks.

And that's just the beginning of how rewarding it is to be child-free.

Now for the poll: do you see a necessity in breeding?
The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that would last a thousand years... or we could collapse into nothing, as the Targaryens did. I need you to become a man you're always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow... now.
I've moved to a new address
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