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Old 02-02-2014, 09:43 AM   #192 (permalink)
Burning Down
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Originally Posted by Wpnfire View Post
Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I'm never claiming that I know what you, or other people go through when they consider having an abortion.

I just don't think any person has the right to decide whether an unborn human being lives or dies.

In the United States, I don't think the Supreme Court made the right decision interpreting the law to say that a woman has the right to her body, and therefore has the right to terminate her pregnancy. The result of that case was inferred from a law, and 3 current Supreme Court Justices feel it was 110% the wrong decision, including the Chief Justice John Roberts, and still a few more are uncertain about the issue.

I studied political science research methods in college, and I've seen the polls done by the National Election Survey, and there are dozens of questions about abortion, and none of them are yes or no questions. This is fact. There is a great divide among US citizens about abortion.

The answers to "stance on: abortion" are always on a scale with four options:

"Completely against abortion in all circumstances."
"Against abortion unless the mother's life is threatened."
"Against abortion unless in the case of rape, the mother's life is threatened, etc..."
"Favor a woman's right to choose."
(and then there's "Uncertain")

I've also seen some polls that have more than that.
I don't know... I think a woman should have the right to do whatever she pleases. But here, you're saying that nobody should have the right to make the decision on whether a woman gets an abortion or not, but you contradict yourself in the first statement you made:

Abortion is not as simple an issue as yes or no. I'm vehemently opposed to abortion, but even I understand that there are circumstances where it may be appropriate, such as rape.
Maybe I'm misreading what you're saying here, but what makes you have the right to say women shouldn't get abortions? Especially when you later said nobody should have a right to say anything.
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