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Old 02-09-2014, 08:49 PM   #162 (permalink)
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There's a band I really don't really talk about that much, but I always find myself going back to them whenever I feel the mood is right. I'm speaking of The Pineapple Thief. I'll just be honest, they do seem to be influenced heavily by The Smashing Pumpkins, but something about Billy Corgan that doesn't really sit well with me, vocally. The Pineapple Thief are different in that sense where it has the sounds that I like with a not too bad vocalist to mix it all together into one very good sounding group.

I remember the first album I ever heard from them, which simultaneously blew me away, and I instantly became a fan.

Little Man

I don't really think I can say which song is my favorite when I find something special in each track. But if I were to choose perhaps two songs that would be a pretty good place to start in terms of understanding what the band has to offer, I'd say...

Of course, upon searching those songs up on Youtube, I realized that I can't exactly leave this post the way it is without mentioning another song from an entirely different album of theirs. Two albums in one post? Yeah, sue me. Come on! Do it! Anyway, back to my point. There is another album that I want to mention, and that is...

Someone Here Is Missing

I will be honest and say that this probably isn't listened to as much as it should be. I've given it a full listen I think 2 or 3 times, but there are a lot of tracks that standout and really deliver a powerful performance, one of which being...

Spoiler for video:

This song just really stands out as being one of their finest on the entire album, and I could just be completely biased. It starts off with a really cool electronica-techno feel but then it gets into the electric guitar and everything else. It's got a mixture, but it's mixed so well and goes even better with the vocals and whatever else. Definitely worthy of a listen or two.
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