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Old 02-24-2014, 11:21 PM   #11 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by Mankycaaant View Post
the way I understand it, an artist at its base is a sum of its influence, individual personality and their own artistic direction. Brave Bird have become so influenced by their influences that they have actually become their influences.

This album is pretty much a Cap'N'Jazz record. The shouting group vocals, the stop/start instrumental progression, even down to the hazy production and sarcastic/ironic delivery of certain lines.

There's nothing technically wrong with this record, but the reason this album didn't take me or as it seems any other persons in this threads imagination is because as Crowquill pointed out, we've heard it before.
If emo is truly to progress, it needs to leave the past and go in new directions, there are several bands out there doing that, whilst Brave Bird seem to be stuck in somewhat of a nostalgia act.

It's good, but I don't think I'll be regularly returning to the album. It does nothing different or particularly better than anyone else.

As for the use of the term 'twinkly' perhaps it's derived from providing a faint glimmer of hope, of optimism. In emo, perhaps the term represents that light at the end of the tunnel, etc. I wouldn't use it as a term in describing music as it's an unrelated adjective. It's like calling an album shiny. It makes no sense.
I feel like a lot of people criticize 'new emo' for not sounding enough like previous emo. Didn't pretty much everyone who loves Sunny Day and other 1st-2nd wave acts loathe when emo turned into Dashboard, Taking Back Sunday, etc? Maybe it just didn't go in the direction they wanted it, but I'm not exactly sure where a lot of emo fans wanted it to realistically go in the first place. I feel like most people who would consider themselves emo fans hated the Hawthorne Heights/Armor For Sleep type of depressing bands and at the same time hated the pop-punky stuff like the first Paramore album or even the first P!ATD album. I realize it wasn't exactly emo and more pop-punkish but I don't really know what newer sounds or progression emo fans really want.
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