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Old 03-03-2014, 11:30 PM   #213 (permalink)
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I held off posting in this thread for a long time but my mind's in the right place so I may as well.

I'm appalled to think that some people (especially men, or any person without the necessary equipment, or without a lifetime's worth of the media oversexualizing their body parts, telling them they're worth nothing more than to be a breeding cow, telling them to be ashamed of the things their body does (i.e.; menstruation)) think it's acceptable to put laws in place that dictate what a woman can and cannot do with her body.

Unplanned pregnancies are accidents that happen. Not everyone wants children; those who don't want them will take every necessary precaution to prevent pregnancy. But sometimes, unfortunate things happen, and abortion should always be an option. Sometimes women are sexually assaulted. It's not her fault. It is never her fault. Why should she have to be forced to carry a child to full term, that will only remind her of that traumatic experience, for the rest of her life? And if a woman is pregnant, because she wanted a child, but the birth of this child could take her life (and take a mother away from a child), she should have that right (though it may be emotionally difficult for her) to terminate that pregnancy.

Children are not an accessory. They're not a necessity. They're not a commodity. Women are more than their reproductive organs. Women have value beyond those organs. People don't seem to understand this. People don't seem to be aware of the tragic rates of child abuse (sometimes resulting in murder), child neglect/abandonment, overpopulation of both the human race and foster homes/orphanages. Children didn't choose to come into a world where they couldn't be taken care of. But in many places, women don't have a choice to spare a child from a lifetime of pain. The government is so fast to protect an indistinguishable cluster of tissues and cells, but they don't care what happens to it after it's out of the womb. They don't care what happens to that woman after that child is born. They don't care if she dies, or commits suicide because she was either too sick or unprepared for childbirth. Just as long as that thing comes out of there.

The way I see it, a person who is pro-life is anti-woman. A person who says that a woman has no right to choose what happens to her own body is a person who does not respect women.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i support abortion and i think the best case for abortion is the fact that it can and will be done regardless if its legal so makin it legal will let ppl do it safely and also save several coat hangers
Too many women are dying from "backalley abortions". Not like the government cares about us, but it's tragic. No woman should have to die, or bleed to death just because she wants to have control over her own body.

If mandatory sterilization for men became a thing, you'd bet your ass men would be in an uproar.
You and I,
We were born to die.
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