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Old 03-06-2014, 03:10 PM   #3 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
Idk i mean i guess it's not ok to take upskirts pics of women but then again some women like wearing incredibly short skirts that show everything and they know guys stare at them, i mean that's kinda why they dress like that and guys taking pictures of them is just a consequence of that.

Now im not blaming women in all this im just not absolving them from it cause females know when they are revealing too much and they know the effect it has on guys so maybe they shouldn't be wearing short mini skirts or super short pants where you can see everything if they don't want to be objectified in a sexual way.

Of course this doesn't justify a guy taking upskirt pictures of them that kinda voyeurism to me is still an invasion of privacy because that girl didn't agreed to be photographed.

And given that we all know these pics are taken by a horndog creeping up on a woman to take a picture of her underwear without her consent IT SHOULD BE punishable by law because the intention is to sexually exploit her.

The first line you give is like the classic "she had it coming, she was wearing a short skirt" rebuttal to a rape. Looking is one thing, but going out of your way to take a picture of someone like this on the basis of her attire, is pretty shallow and weak.

I do not think a womans choice in clothing should be the factor in any choice.

Wearing a short skirt, does not mean that she wants people to take pictures of her against her will. In the age of the internet where these pictures are not only extremely invasive, they are also used to be put onto sites to basically get the frat boy treatment of cries of wooooo and used only for objectication, another notch to the "look at this fine piece of ass" belt.

I do not think there is a single time when taking an upskirt picture on a bus or a public location is acceptable in any circumstance whatsoever.

This is basically just saying it is okay to repeat things like the first line of your comment and justify their perversion when the act is most likely based on the objectification of someone based on their choice of attire.

The last line of your comment also makes me go, alright, go up to any random girl you think is attractive on a public bus and ask her permission to take an upskirt picture, see what she says. Once you get up off the ground from most likely having a kick to the groin or a punch to the throat, let me know the results of this one.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.

Last edited by BastardofYoung; 03-06-2014 at 03:24 PM.
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