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Old 03-16-2014, 07:48 AM   #706 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I honestly can't say why I hate overuse of horns so much. I mean, I like a sax solo as much as the next guy, and I can listen to trumpet or trombone music for a while, but when the brass goes all high and squeaky and sounds like it's screaming I just run for the door. Maybe it's like dogs, y'know, where certain sounds are outside human hearing but drive them mad? I don't hate horns per se, I just hate it when they go all wild and unfettered, it just drives me mad.

This is probably why a lot of jazz doesn't/won't appeal to me, and yet as I said a few days ago my first experience of Miles Davis was very pleasant, surprisingly so. Of course I know nothing much of jazz so he could be the exception, or an example of a subgenre or division within jazz...

Anyway, to get back to Area, yeah I don't see why it's regarded as a classic either, nor Ian Anderson's, but remember this is not official: it's just one guy's personal favourites list so maybe it's not really a classic in the truest sense of the word. It's definitely not for me, but as US points out, it's probably the most polarising album so far and has generated the most debate of any we've reviewed here.
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