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Old 03-24-2014, 09:06 PM   #16 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by zombie kid View Post

It's absolutely not rubbish and I can't believe that anyone would state that so boldly as you did there. Everybody's brain is different, they all work differently. There are areas of the brain devoted to emotional interpretation of sounds, and while it functions in most people, those brain centres might not function in other people. Just because you say some music makes you feel something doesn't mean that another person is going to feel the same way about it.
Here we go again. I said it because of THIS which was in his first few sentences:

The whole class was just absolutely shocked and I was like: well who does!?

The whole class was just speechless about it, they were all laughing about me and stuff, like I was joking! But seriously guys: I DON'T FEEL EMOTIONS OR PHYSICAL REACTIONS WHILE LISTINING TO MUSIC.

So he was saying "How could anyone even think that you would be emotionally moved by music?" It's one absolute fighting another. If he had said, well I understand not everyone is moved but that's not what he said. He made out as if it was the most stupid suggestion anyone could make, as if it never happened.

Therefore his statement is rubbish. QED.

EDIT: Actually, now that I read it through I realise I took that up wrong. He said HE thought this and everyone else thought he was mad. Um. Apologies. Helps to read things through a few times, also not at 3AM....
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