Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
The impressions I formed of everyone when I was lurking turned out to be quite different from those formed when I started actually interacting with people. I had dj pegged as a straight-up agressive arsehole; Urban pegged as a sarcastic smart-ass; and Roxy pegged as a over-sarcastic smart-ass. The only one of those I retained is Urban. I still think he's a smart-ass, but in a good way.
I am so glad this isn't the spill your first impression thread.
Honey, something I have been meaning to spill on you in particular, is that you remind me of myself at 19 and 20 and discovering The Beatles, and The Beach Boys, and there is something about the energy in your posts that makes me very nostalgic in a good way. I love your posts, I just don't listen to them like I used to. (This coming from the chick with Lennon lyrics tattooed on her. Go figure.) So I never comment in your threads, but I read them. You are good peoples. Keep that **** up. And friend request me super lurker.