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Old 04-01-2014, 12:35 PM   #139 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy View Post
Lol my "agenda," apparently I'm some sort of political activist now.

I claimed that this forum is pretty unfriendly to new members, and that it's so dominated by cliques and in-jokes that new members have a hard time acclimating. I've seen and heard it with my own eyes, even when I tried to get some friends like Schuyler here, he just felt voiceless.

Every discussion is owned by the same ten or so members here and that's irrefutable. There's nothing inherently wrong with that because tightly-knit communities are fun, but there's just nothing here to promote growth. You wanted an example of a member being chased off and I delivered, and the particular member in question was even very nice and I was quite fond of that person, but alas, they got flamed and they're gone.

So basically you need to calm down and look at things with a hint of objectivity. It's not even a big deal but you made it one, so here's my stance.

I mean, just go look in the journals section that you care about so much. Only about five people have journals that get consistent replies, while the really cool new members with strong journals like Tristesse are just slowly fading off the first page.
What IS this? You're completely ignoring my last post where you twisted and changed my words to suit what you wanted to say I had said. THAT's an agenda, pal! I don't know why you're asking me to calm down. You're the one putting words in my mouth, or trying to. I'm not going to reiterate what I already said, as you ignored it. I'm beginning to see, sadly, why some people don't like you. I did, but I'm beginning not to.

As for the journals? That section is not created for people to comment primarily. My (now six) journals get very few comments, usually only at the start, but that doesnt a) stop me or b) mean they're unpopular. Look at the views. People read, and I continue to write. It would be nice to have more comments, sure, especially with the amount of effort I put into it, but am I going "WAH! NOBODY IS COMMENTING IN MY JOURNAL!!!"?

Well, okay, but just those two times...

I completely fail to see what the journals section has to do with your argument. My own (ah damn it I said I wouldn't say this but here I go) belief is that you don't walk into a room of strangers and immediately start telling them what you think of them. You interact, get to know them and THEN you can talk once you've formed an opinion. For months now the SYG thread has been filled with pointless posts like "I like member X" or "Member Y is a prick", when these people don't know member X or Y (and don't get me started on Member Z!) so I think waiting a little is a good idea. I'm not for a moment suggesting anyone be excluded from any thread. But in any case, all this came about because I said people SHOULD post in threads as noobs. Did you miss that? How does that fit into your belief that I am saying exactly the opposite?

And by the way, the only reason I "made it a big deal" is that you were trying to make me out to be something I wasn't, and I won't stand for that from anyone.

Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
Yea, and while i do see your point i disagree with that.

I think if a noob has been here enough to get a sense of how some members here are he should be able to express his impression of them.
Exactly what I'm saying. Not on day One. Maybe day ten or twenty. Wait till you have formed an opinion, that's all.
especially if it is a positive one, it can be an ice breaker between the both of you, i guess your point is Noobs can't really make an informed decision at that point but still, this is the internet we may all act like besties but truth is we don't really know what person hides behind the words we read.
Of course that's true. This is what I was saying mostly. But...
And if this thread is about a 100% accuracy, only BFF would be allowed to post here.
No. If this thread fulfilled its proper original function there would be people WHO KNEW EACH OTHER A WHILE saying good AND bad things about each other, and being honest.
By you saying "it's ok if members post in certain areas but not others" you're further building a gap between noobs and old members.
Again, a total exaggeration. All I asked was for noobs to wait for a whle before posting here in SYG, not that they could not post at all.

Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
Oh Roxy <3

I knew you were cool from day 1 don't doubt the instincts.

Look i get you and Trollheart's point, IN FACT i remember being a noob and posting here in MB that this place was horrible, just pointing all it's flaws and Trollheart himself scolded me about it and he was right.

Old members do know how things work around here but this doesn't mean this is their private playground. as a noob i found it very hard to fit in around here exactly because of this.
Yeah, and didn't that make you think, pause, take your time and eventually get to appreciate the place more?
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