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Old 04-02-2014, 02:10 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus View Post
You WOEFULLY misunderstand me sir, and that was mostly my fault.

Here's the issue with gay marriage for Christians, while it IS true that the Bible denounces gay marriage, the Bible says NOTHING about physically and verbally assaulting them, or trying to take away their or limit their rights to get married.

Basically what that means is this: Christians should despise the IDEA of gay marriage, but be 100% tolerant (like everybody else) of gays having the same rights as a straight couple. They are no less human than a straight person, and should be respected the same.

You may not understand what I'm saying, but just know that it's simply not true at all to say that Christians hate gay people. That idea is completely and totally wrong.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Well, plenty of Evangelicals, Born Agains, and I'm sure more than a few non-fundamentalists as well.

And you can't call someone with different Christian beliefs not a Christian. All so-called Christians are interpreting the same book. Just because some of them interpret it in different ways than the majority means nothing. So long as they accept Jesus Christ as their savior then, as far as I know at least, they are as Christian as you (or the majority of Christians if you're not talking about yourself). Call them whackadoos if you must, cause they are, but claiming they aren't Christians is just self-serving arrogance.

Same with Wahhabists. It may make a moderate Muslim feel better to claim that they aren't really following Islam, but the moderate is merely interpreting the Koran the same as the fundamentalist. Without any kind of compelling proof you're all just making the same faith based claims.
What you're saying is complex and I don't have the time here (and knowledge, honestly) to discuss it, but if someone who claims to be a Christian, supports the government trying to take away the rights of gay people to be married, he or she is not holding true to theological standards.

Also, trying to make gay marriage illegal does nothing because gay marriage will sill de facto exist, just not legally.

From what I can understand, the issue is black-and-white.
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