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Old 04-03-2014, 03:39 AM   #14043 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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So, let me re-phrase this question.

What exactly do you look for in a film when rating it? what makes a film to you a near perfect experience. The reason I ask is not to distract from what is obviously your opinion, we know that, we all get it... that is rudimentary here.

But when people look at someone for critique of a film, such as say Ebert. The reason we do is because we have an idea of what they like, we know what they find interesting in film, and we relate to them because we have an idea of what makes them tick, what interests them, and we try to get an idea of their personality. Main reason being because we wanna know how it relates to us and our tastes, so when they give a review, we know how it relates to us when reading or watching the review. That is the basic criteria for film reviews.

So the reason I ask you for your ratings scale (which just so happens to be because I have seen this movie, and can tell you from my opinion, it is pretty average filmmaking).... it is not because I am trying to take away from your opinion, but rather trying to understand what brings you to this opinion.

I mean, 8.9 is a pretty high rating. So when seeing something rated this high, it is only natural to wonder what exactly a person likes in film, what interests them and where their tastes lie...

do you get what I am laying down here?

"So good worth every freaking minute. 8.9" ....... what is good about it? what did you enjoy? what brings you to this 8.9 rating? If you are going to attach a rating to something, especially a high one after saying it is so good, why not, you know, tell people why you think it is deserving of that rating. I mean, I do not expect a 2000 word essay on what you like about it, but I think a brief review on something you enjoy is good. Plus, it helps to sell people on seeing something.

Can you imagine if all reviews went like that.

[poster for Saving Private Ryan]
wow. powerful film. 9.4.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.

Last edited by BastardofYoung; 04-03-2014 at 03:56 AM.
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