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Old 04-12-2014, 02:36 PM   #2 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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The closest thing we have to a Freddie Gibbs thread I suppose.

I imagine some of you have heard Pinata, the Gibbs and Madlib project?

The production's stellar as one would expect although it's Gibbs that remains something of a mystery to me. Are we supposed to take the 'Gangsta Gibbs' persona seriously?
I mean Gansta rap hasn't been popular in around 20 years and I thought we were over such mindless posturing.
This detracts from the product in my eyes, because I'm not sure I can buy into someone called 'Freddie' as a gangster. Lil Durk has more credibility as a gangster.

That being said Gibbs shows flashes of being quite competent. His rapping is a slow, mumbled version of 2Pac's which makes everything he says sound quite effortless and that's quite a cool sound. Almost as if he's just dropping lines without trying off the top of his dome. Reminds me a little of UK rapper Giggs, but better.

I wasn't sure what to make of the skits and disses. I'm new to Gibbs so didn't understand who he was aiming them at and what the back story is. The guest spots are good, especially the last track which features like 7 different guest verses. No idea why Mac Miller got the last verse on the album though.

Overall the album is good, don't go into this expecting Madvilliany, Gibbs is a completely different rapper to DOOM although some of the production and cutaways early on in the album suggest they're trying to mirror that project and it takes until the middle of the album to fully come into its own.
I can see myself re listening to this. Was wondering what everyone else thought.
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