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Old 04-14-2014, 08:38 PM   #8275 (permalink)
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I talked with my brother-in-law today about music, and I learned something very strange things about his music tastes. He's more than 10 years-older than I am, and while we share a lot of the same music, like AC/DC, he listened to a lot of bands I've never heard of or never listened to before.

Anyway, he said that he hated Michael Jackson, and that just made no sense to me, so I asked him why and he said that when he was a kid he was like hugely into the Clash and velvet underground, and he said, "It would be like if 50 years from now and Jistin Bieber was really popular, and people would be wondering why you (me) are not a Jistin Bieber fan."

I told him that was an absurd analogy because there is a huge difference in talent between the two, but maybe I don't understand because I wasn't born in the 70s. He said Michael Jackson was too pop-y for him among the sounds of the Ramones and the Clash, and the fact that people played Michael Jackson all the time didn't help him out either.
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