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Old 04-25-2014, 03:38 PM   #4261 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
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Originally Posted by Tristesse View Post
Just in case anyone wanted an interlude to your wonderful debate about whether finding young women attractive makes you a revolting person:

If any of you find yourself caring about what my opinion of you is then I recommend spending a weekend in a spa, re-evaluating your life and your goals

Goofle – Quality funny dude with a good taste in music and TV

Mrs Robinson – Hot cougar with fabulous advising skills

Sansa – Hot but also terrifying, but I like that she likes that I like MMMBop

Neo – Awesome and a lot of fun to plug with

DJ - I like him and the stuff that he plays in plug that isn’t rap, although I don’t approve of his limiting the playing of Rebecca Black to certain days of the week

Vanilla – despite my first interaction with her being her assuming I was a troll, this did not prevent me from falling slightly in love with her niceness and cute accent

Paul Smeenus – Although I am relatively sure that he finds me irritating, he plays good stuff in plug and is wonderfully witty. But his peanut butter discrimination is offensive

Batlord – Does not make enough jokes anymore, but will always have his place in my sig

Black Francis – his complaining about not being accepted and not being noticed in the forum is not doing him any favours, but I’m sure he’s a nice guy. No idea what his musical taste is as I’ve never seen him in plug and that is where I tend to do all my musical discussion (so I don't do it on the forum, sue me)

BriksI wish he was more controversial and blunt about his non musical opinions as I’m not sure what any of them are. Good journal.

Trollheart – His devotion to the journal section is admirable, his taking everything too personally is not. His avatar makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside my cold dead heart.

Carpe – sometimes seems like she is constantly taking the side of the underdog in arguments simply because she likes the feeling of persecution. But then some people are into that kind of thing. Not saying that it’s her sexual fetish, just saying that if it was, I wouldn’t judge

YorkeDaddy – Doesn’t get into enough arguments

Christian benteke – Thank you for making me feel welcome when I occasionally post in the Football thread, even though you can probably tell I know very little about football

216 – I like(d) his taste in music and his personality when he was being normal (in plug) rather than the act he does/did when he posts on the actual forum

Whatever Dude – Still remains the guy I aspire to be like, effortlessly cool
Opinions and controversy, you say? I eat crunchy peanut butter and I like it.
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