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Old 04-27-2014, 10:35 AM   #69 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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I don't think anyone has said the vg industry is dying, maybe changing but not dying.
And if ppl like me say they prefer older games is mostly because of nostalgia, we played these games when were young and they became part of our upbringing, but are they better games than new games? not likely but they mean more to us.

At least in my case all i can say is, i was easily impressed as a kid but as an adult i want more, i want something i haven't seen before, instead of another COD game i wanna see games Dark souls, Shadow of the colussus, Catheryne, Games that are trying to experiment with a different gameplay. but that is cause those are the games that appeal to me, If other gamers luv COD or wthvr FPS game, good for them, all i really want from the vg industry is to offer variety for other kind of gamers, for exmpl im not a FPS fan but i luv fallout for some reason.

And they offer variety but those game are overshadowed by the same popular releases, COD, Assasin's creed, GOW, etc
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