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Old 11-28-2005, 11:32 AM   #17 (permalink)
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how are some punk rock ways to deal with the government? omfg liek get a bunch of the punx together and start a riot riot upstart oi oi oi! christ. i'm all for letting you're voice be heard but to classify certain civil action as punk rock is ludracris. punk rock is MUSIC! and sure the government has their hand in music, they have their grubby ****ing hands in everything. as misfits said anything mainstream that might make the labels lose a few bucks will be censored and tampered with to reach the lowest common denominator. but thats the labels not the government. sure the government has a lot of pull on whats played on mainstream radio, because its what the majority of their citizens will be listening to and they want shape what thats going to be. i'd like to think government has better things to do. but apparently not.

but on a seperate note did anyone else hear this? several members of the french government blamed the riots they've been experiencing from the muslim and black youth on, you guessed it. RAP MUSIC! it seems we all forgot that the police uneccessarily killed two kids. i'd really like to think the government had a little more dignity than that. but hey, they're french, what are you going to do.
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