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Old 05-01-2014, 06:40 AM   #67 (permalink)
silky smooth
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Originally Posted by roxyrollah View Post
bro, shut your cake hole for once in your life!. I swear, i have been reading your posts in this thread and you know what i see, i see someone that wishes they were more important to this forum then they actually are. You try your best to make meaningful arguments, then you can't even wait until another person responds to you with a "hey great post", or "hey you are a douche bag". Nope, mmm mm not you, you respond most of the time to you own posts and comments and then pat yourself of the back for realizing your own ''genius". That to me is frankly disheartening, only because it tells me that you are extremely full of yourself. The best part of this thread was watching goofle put you on front street, for spamming our beloved mods under the guise of ''reporting" a post! Which lets me know, that the 'self confidence' you write with is all bull****. Two things, one nobody likes a narc, and if you keep that **** up you may find your friend list dwindles.(to a lower amount then you already have.)

and two, someday you may just find yourself on the ban list. Honestly bro you can be quite hateful to people. I am ****in straight up sick of it. I like you, always have (that's not saying much because i could find the good in ted bundy.) and i would hate to see you go that way, but because you are so quick to speak, and prove how intelligent to your peers the underlying subtext of this post will be lost on you.

I hope you don't run your cocksucker like this irl, because someday you will inevitably run into someone with a quick fist and pension for the sucker punch, and you will get laid the **** out. It might do you some good honestly. Being an ******* for the sake of being an ******* is the most unattractive quality a person can possess. Like i said before i like you so i am telling you this for your own good. watch your mouth for once or someday someone is going to bust you right in your slick 50.


p.s. I already reported myself for this post. xoxoxxx!

i love this place, it's just too easy

9-Time Winner of MusicBanter's "Most Qualified to be a Moderator" Award

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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