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Old 05-11-2014, 08:16 AM   #825 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
You've never heard of Kate Bush, what country are you from?
X2! Jesus man! Everyone has heard of Kate Bush! There are as yet undiscovered tribes in the deepest jungles of South America who know "Wuthering heights" and "The hounds of love"! You shock me, you really do!

Your description of her music, while being your opinion and you're entitled to it, is based on one album and you haven't heard any of her other music so I don't really think you can criticise such a well-known and loved artiste. Kate's voice is unique and she's known for it. She's a real icon and even if you don't know her you need to acknowledge that. It's unfair to rate her as if, because you don't know her, nobody does. That would be like me saying I don't like and have never heard of Peter Gabriel, or Eminem, or Lady Gaga, but think they're crap. You have to allow that she is beloved of so many music fans across the board and is the role model for generations. I feel you're being very unfair to her here.

Also, I find your rating terribly low and surely unjustified. How can all the songs sound the same? One piece of music? That's been remarked on but there are huge differences in, for instance, "Sunset" and "Aerial", or "A coral room" and "King of the mountain". Just don't get it, I have to say. Very disappointed in your reaction.
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