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Old 05-11-2014, 09:24 AM   #827 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Xurtio View Post
I'm not sure why you're so offended. I'm only rating the album, not the whole musical career of the artist. It's like you want to discourage negative reviews. Further, it appears that you want to bias my opinion of this album with a broader view of the artist, but that's not really how a review should work. The purest review is one in which the reviewer has no outside connection with the artist, so the music can stand on its own.
No, I'm saying you should do some research and see who the artist is and then afford them the courtesy of at least saying something like "I know she's an icon" or "I know he's huge in prog circles" or whatever and then add your rider. You're disrespecting, to me, the years Kate Bush has given to music by just dismissing her so easily, especially when you don't know her. Look at Ian Anderson: I can't stand the guy but I gave as unbiased a review of the album as I could in both cases.

I'm not saying you should do a positive review for every album --- I have no idea where you got that from --- negative reviews are just as valid as long as they take into account the standing of the artist. You can't for instance review a Slayer album and say this sucks without acknowledging their place in metal history. Credit where credit it due, is all I'm saying.

I still can't believe you never heard of her?
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