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Old 06-27-2014, 12:20 PM   #5428 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
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1. What's your favourite television show?

****. Batman: The Animated Series has recaptured my soul recently. Brilliantly made and it's ****ing Batman. Buffy the Vampire has consistently had my love pretty much sine whenever the hell I first watched it though. And I never get to watch it much but I don't know if there's a show I can binge on episode after episode quite as much as Futurama. Damn. Too hard.

2. What makes you the angriest?

Animal abuse probably. Not much bothers me these days, but animal abuse just makes me see red. Although, even if it doesn't give me the same moral outrage, my gamer rage is pretty primal.

3. You have the opportunity to time travel with 10,000 American dollars (or 5877 pounds or 7331 euros or 1013850 yen or whatever the **** you buy your **** with) to invest in one company. Which would it be?

Either Apple or Microsoft since I really don't know which one is or was potentially the best investment.

4. Have you fulfilled any of your dreams?

Nadda. Well, I finally got laid a few years ago, and considering how hopeless that was feeling I guess that counts.

5. What is your favourite song by The Fall? If you say "I don't like the Fall", this will result in a ban (Urban, back me up on this).

It's not that I don't like them, but I just haven't listened to nearly enough of them to even have one. The only song I can even summon up in my head soundwise is "The Classical", but I do love how it sounds like a rant set to music, so it doesn't seem like a bad choice anyway.

6. Post a photograph that you really like and why (the why is optional if you're too lazy).

I find Japanese culture fascinating, and ancient Japanese culture is almost a fetish. There's something just so alien and beautiful about it, and a torii gate is like the embodiment of that. Magnificent and tranquil at the same time.

Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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