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Old 07-21-2014, 05:22 PM   #6623 (permalink)
not really
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Originally Posted by skyline View Post
It's basically borderlands. I'm still not sure about MMOs, I hate relying on a server to play my games, nothing is more annoying than finally having an hour to play something only to find that's the time they've picked for server maintenance, or playing a particulary long mission when your internet gets a small hiccup and you're kicked back to the start screen.

The bosses aren't too much of a grind and the AI is really well done, like really well done, you won't have people standing in the open taking bullets to the face and when they go into hiding it's not to play whack-a-mole, they shift around and work together to try flank you. So you're not standing there trading bullets like robo-cop or waiting awkwardly for a head to pop up every 2 minutes, it's nicely balanced to keep you in the action and on your toes, if you find an ideal spot to shoot from you will have to fight to keep it, they'll branch out, flank or just rush you.

The classes however don't seem to change the dynamics all that much, the tanks don't really tank, the scouts don't scout and the wizards don't wizard, unless you're looking for specific abilities it seems classes are mostly an aesthetic concern.
Agreed. The versus multiplayer is well done. It feels like halo but fresher. Instead of running to pick up the best weapons you know go to pick up the ammo for your specific best weapons, if that makes sense. I thought this was a clever idea. If you've played halo at all the vehicles will feel right at home.

I can't get over how good the new Tomb Raider reboot is. I get the Uncharted comparisons(which frankly I think people are playing up a bit, it isn't that much like Uncharted) but this is still a beast on it's own.

Any die hard RE4 fans will see the influence immediately. You have one area that is this metallic, miner shantytown with enemies throwing dynamite at you which you can shoot at it blows up in their face. Never gets old. It also has a religous cult, feels very RE4 which warms my soul. I'm disappointed more critics didn't point this out.

The death animations are gnarly, again a la re4.

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