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Old 08-17-2014, 11:40 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
Matt, you strike me as a kid who's probably watched too many animes. You know nothing of life, and it shows. You should go and live life for a while and then you can review your thoughts when you've actually got some life experience and see if it still makes sense. If they don't, there may be hope for you, and if you still feel the same, well .. then I think you're special only in a negative sense.
If you watch anime, you would know that there are characters (villans). For example, there is a character named 'Vegeta' in the anime Dragonball Z. I am deeply inspired by this character because of his sense of pride and power. To the hell with life itself and what it is. I have learned something very great and awesome from this character and I have embraced that and used that as my attitude in life. I would say this character is very mature (not some spoiled immature brat) and he has the attitude of a ruler and such. Therefore, since I have embraced his attitude, that then makes me the same as him. So, to me, being proud and arrogant is something very awesome and is not what you are thinking of it. So your opinion here that I am just some immature spoiled brat and such is not true at all.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
Humility for exsample is not letting your ego accept praise for something you did because you felt the need to do. Not telling yourelf you are un worthy of praise.
Again you are confusing ****ty self esteem with humility.

And being knocked down by depression is not the same thing as say your house burning down and you needing to accept help from others when you have always been self reliant.

When you have become so full of pride, (dont confuse that with positive self esteem bc you seem to mix these things up) and arrogance and you get to a place where you realize you are not evetything your ego has lead you to belive THAT is humility.

There is medication for depression, there is not a pill you can take for arrogance, selfishness and pride.

You really just come across like the main characters in Alred Hitchcock' s rope.
I have actually stunned by the arrogance in your statements.

How old are you?
Even if I were to be in a situation where I had to get help from others and even if I were to find out for a fact that, for example, if I were to think that I am the next best composer and found out that I wasn't, that would not change my sense of pride (the inspiration that I have received from anime and the character Vegeta).

Also, I am 25 years old and even if I were 90 years old, I would still have the exact same attitude I have now. Age has nothing to do with who you are as a person--it is yourself that changes who you are or you giving into other people's opinions and allowing that to change who you are. For example, someone who says "Grow up and act your age," if this person were then to do so according to this other person's opinion, it would of either been because he/she personally wanted to, or that he/she has allowed that person's opinion to dictate who he/she should be.
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