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Old 08-18-2014, 05:53 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christian Benteke View Post
Women are generally ****ing hopeless when it comes to fitness. Fat is like kryptonite to them yet they wolf down pasta, rice, orange juice & fruit thinking it's 'healthy'... measuring gains in days and weeks instead of months and years...

Losing 'weight'
Getting 'toned'

& I just read something one posted about fretting over calories and I just thought Jesus ****ing wept.

Sexist post but most are clueless, I had to rant tbh cos it's doing my nut in. Pretty much all of my female friends and my sister is like this.
I don't think that that's a gender-specific misconception - in fact, if anything, it seems to be more common amongst older people. In the 80s a lot of health advice seemed to focus on following a high carb, low fat diet, and doing a ****load of cardio, which sure, will burn fat... and your muscle along with it.

Personally I do predominantly resistance-based exercise, as greater muscle mass increases your metabolism. In order to achieve/ maintain muscle, I try to eat a substantial amount of protein, and avoid starchy carbohydrates like potato, pasta, rice, bread, and root vegetables. Obviously, simple starches break down into sugars - I figure, if you're going to eat something unhealthily high in sugar, then you might as well have a chocolate bar or something. It tastes significantly better than mashed potato, and is probably about as unhealthy. Granted, it might be higher in fat, but then again fat actually slows the absorption of other nutrients, which is obviously useful for sustained energy levels.

I don't avoid fat, though I do try to have "healthy" fats, like olive oil, avocado, fish oil, nuts, over processed fats or butter. I do avoid fruit juice [it's almost as bad as coke] and pretty much any high-calorie drink - it's easy to consume a lot of sugar without even realising it. I stick to skimmed [zero fat] milk, tea, diet drinks [yeah, yeah, I know they're not great for you either] and sugar-free cordial.

I never weigh myself. Instead, I pay attention to muscle definition and clothes sizes.

Seems to work, anyway. I'm not trying to body-build, just put on/ retain enough muscle to maintain a high metabolism, have a bit of definition, and feel strong and healthy.

What's great is, I can do so, and still eat a ****load of bacon. And steak. And sausages. And gammon. And chicken. And duck. And venison. And lamb. And salmon. And haddock. And cod. And mackerel...

Ah, this is just turning into a litany of all my favourite meats and fish. Mmm, anchovies.

Yeah, I don't use protein shakes, or anything. I love cooking, so I just eat loads of meat, fish, and eggs, and have a moderate amount of milk and cheese.

Aw man, cheese. There are so many awesome cheeses. F***, now I'm hungry again.
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