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Old 12-03-2005, 01:32 PM   #969 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
i agree with half_baked, nothing, absolutely nothing justifies a death penalty, besides, there are worse things you could do to a man than killing him, personally, i think locking someone in a 2 by 2 cell for the rest of their lives is far worse. and take into consideration that sometimes, people are wrongly accused, for argument sake, let's imagine you were that australian guy and let's say those drugs were planted on you, how would you feel? you're going to die and you had nothing to do with it. lovely jubbly ey? mistakes are bound to happen. and half_baked was only talking about drug abuse, you're damn right i would blame my kids for buying the drugs, unlike rape and other crimes, i'ts a personal choice, personally, i would never blame the drug dealer, it's either your fault for not educating your kids or your kids fault for being stupid dumbasses. and you don't seriously believe that the death penalty serves as a deterrent? people commit murder in a abnormal state of conciousness, you don't seriously believe they stop and think about how they're going to be punished for killing someone. and i would really like to know cheeseman, could you be the one doing the executing?
The guy knew the laws though, he knew he was in danger yet he played the game. And he was charged with trafficing which is more comprehensive then just being caught in possession. And kids are kids. Yes it is their choice but I believe there is some form of seduction into getting them to buy off a complete stranger in the first place. It doesn't matter how pc it is that the kids are in the wrong for buying drugs, it's still morally wrong to have some fuck out on the street selling dangerous stuff, I don't care how dumb the kids are. I said at the bottom of my post I'm pratically sitting on the fence with reasons for and against the penalty, but I find arguing for it intriguing. Thats probably why it sounds like a contradiction as I have pro's and con's for eather way half-balked^^^.

I sort of do believe it is a deterant. Getting locked up for a few years or a major fine is nothing drug money probably couldn't fix. In a way you have to hit them where it hurts, and thats in numbers. I do agree with you on things like rapists and such. There is far worse scum than druggies or anything like that. It is a corrupt world for not keeping things equal.

The part about killing each other I got a little lost in Adidasss...Was it in referance to where I say something about a drug deal going wrong?
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