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Thread: Nicki Minaj
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Old 08-20-2014, 11:57 PM   #404 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
Degradation is completely opinion based and you should not be pushing your thoughts of it unto others. Especially people you don't know and can't ask how they feel about it (Nikki herself). I'm into BDSM I know women who love to be punished, men who love to be enslaved, and people who beat, electrify, stretch, bind, and gag each other because they enjoy it. No one in the scene considers what they are into degrading or judges anyone else for what they like. You are not the authority on what makes an act degrading it is completely situational.

I have nothing further to say because it is obvious we just look at this differently. Nice chat as usual.

Don't confuse expressing an opinion with pushing ones thoughts on others.

I am not judging Nikki but her display in the music video is degrading in my opinion and as a black woman I am personally sick and tired of seeing these female black pop stars exploiting their bodies when they do not have too.

I did not pass judgement on her as a human being. I just judged the video and the music since she is a pop star and as a music consumer and record buyer, I have a right too.

If you disagree then that is fine

But I am also entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.

Nice chatting.
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