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Old 08-26-2014, 01:58 AM   #69 (permalink)
Dude... What?
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In the end aren't we just using logic to justify or support our morals, though? Some more soundly than others?

I'm gonna backtrack a little and say they're two sides to the same coin. And also that gut-feeling that you're describing isn't the end-all-be-all of morality, not by a long shot.

I mean it's wrong to murder, right?
Let's deduce.

You're voluntarily taking the life of another living person (being).
By doing so you're violating their lack of willingness to be killed by you.
It's rude.
It's morally wrong.

Or so most would think but still, the end of it is morals. S'like logic's the foundation and support beams and morals are the structure. Or something like that.
I spit bullets in my feet
Every time I speak
So I write instead
And still people want me dead
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