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Old 09-01-2014, 09:06 PM   #5598 (permalink)
Dude... What?
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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Rarely seen but always friendly and peaceful. His/her avatar is quite suiting.


Says things about people sometimes that might not be outright hostile but could be considered hurtful depending on the person. We don't share much of the same taste in music but his music-related posts are pretty concise.


I'll be honest man. At first, I didn't like ya. I thought you were kinda creepy. But, I've grown ta like ya and think you've made some commendable posts in the lounge. Again, nothing in common musically but still chill company.

Black Francis:

I've seen him make some questionable statements and have gotten into it with him a couple times but for the most part, seems pretty casual and low-key. Not out to hurt anybody, just maybe could use a crashcourse in gender studies or something. Not that it's my place to say such a thing, just uh... sayin anyways. That's the point of the thread, right?


Don't see much of him/her(??) but I like seeing another foodie on the forum. Strikes me as having posher tastes. Would love to talk food with sometime. Quality lounge-posts.


Sometimes it seems like she's trying to fit in by sort of coppin some peep's online mannerisms. I could be totally wrong. Otherwise totally likeable, friendly, and genuine.




" "


I don't see much of him. He strikes me as the type of guy who keeps really busy, probably spends a lot of his freetime outdoors or at the gym. Funny posts all the time, serious when he needs to be. Backs the right kinda people. Did I mention handsome?


Wish we lived closer man. I feel like we could be good friends and we'd get each other.


I'm hardly any older than he is but it's crazy seeing so much of myself at a younger age in someone. I was bummed that he didn't get along with some of my other friends here. Sometimes he seems distant but then, who isn't once in a while? Another person I hope to meet.

WWWP formally JD formally WWWP? Did I get that right? Anyways:

I'm always stocked to see when she's replied to a thread dedicated to important issues in the current events section. She always comes across very well-informed, eloquent, and concise. Wish she'd post more but I assume she's a busy gal. Glad we got to hang out.


Well, we all know I think she's totally fine. Like a foxo. But she's also a very supportive and fun friend... When I'm not drunk-dialing her at 4 in the mornin her time. Sorry! haha. I would totally toke with her.


Awesome guy. One of my favorite members here. His music is a little heavy for me and he's so damned tall I felt like a midget standing next to him but gosh, what a guy. Hope we get to hang again soon sometime.


Man, I really hope you're gonna be okay soon. I worry about ya a lot. Completely different worlds musically, though we've bonded over ALL, The Wipers, and Dead Moon. Hell of a man. Another person who I'd probably look like a midget next to.


My favorite MB drinkin buddy. Talking to her has helped me get myself out of some scary places, too. I'm glad to have her as a friend and through that friendship I've rediscovered a lot of really great music. I was dancing when I was tweeeeelve


I don't know what we would talk about if we hung out. Aside from dogs, our interests are so damned different I can't imagine doin much more than grabbin a few drinks at a hip, seedy bar and mutually enjoying one of few bands we're both into play a set.


Strange. Funny. Crude. Sometimes he creeps me out but he seems pretty much harmless and only (...?) being strange for the humor of it. Mimosas at the beach on an island somewhere man. Mimosas on the beach on an island somewhere, man.


Another handsome gent. Another person I don't have much in common with musically. Seems a little vain sometimes but I have no doubt that he's a total sweetheart and a good dude. If I could skip the pond I'd down some pints with ya, man. might hafta pass on that casserole of your mom's though...

That's all I got for now
I spit bullets in my feet
Every time I speak
So I write instead
And still people want me dead

Last edited by GuD; 09-01-2014 at 09:13 PM.
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