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Old 09-04-2014, 07:53 AM   #12 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 1

I did a Google search for "why do we seek nostalgia", and this thread was the third link. I understand it's a slightly old thread, but I wanted to discuss this in a bit more depth.

The reasons are mainly because with the recent deaths of Robin Williams (yes, I know he's not known for being a musician) and Jimi Jamison of Survivor, both of which I attribute to my childhood, has me depressed and listening to Survivor songs and reliving my childhood. I feel that each death of someone I grew up listening too or watching is another step closer to my death and away from my childhood.

My generation is disappearing and I feel depressed knowing that one day it will be gone forever.

The weird thing is that although I like Survivor, they aren't my favorite, yet why did I get so depressed hearing about Jamison's death? Like Journey, their music defined the 80's, and I can't help but remember my childhood when I listen to their music. It reminds me of skating rinks and arcades and other hang-out spots that I would visit and their music is playing in the background.

Sometimes I feel like I'm going through a mid-life crisis when I think about it, although I have no inclinations of buying a motorcycle or leaving my wife for a young woman. It's just this wanting to go back to my childhood.

I tell my kids to enjoy every second of their young years. I tell them I remember wanting to hurry up and be an adult when I was a kid, yet now that I'm an adult, I'm wishing I was a kid again.

I don't know. Maybe my childhood could never be appreciated until I became an adult. Now I see it as a precious moment in my life that I don't ever want to forget.

Has anyone else been in the slumps when someone famous that they attribute their childhood too dies? Does anyone ever have the feeling of nostalgia to the point where you end up wanting to cry because you miss it? Am I having a mid-life crisis?
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