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Old 10-10-2014, 02:17 AM   #17 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
No, what I was implying is that you don't know the difference between a band who can create a trend and who are doing so for no other reason than because it's members just want to express themselves and play the music they want and not care about being 'the best this' or 'the best that' and a band who are created solely for the purpose of exploiting the popularity of something just to make money playing what a record company tell them to.

They're a corporate entity created to be the safe more acceptable face of Grunge, smoothing off all those rough edges that made the genre appealing in the first place. They were the band you went to if, heaven help you The Smashing Pumpkins were too edgy for you.

There's a reason why Bush sold millions of albums over an extremely small time period and are now totally forgotten about, have you figured out why yet?
The only things I care to address.

So you are basically telling me that I don't know the difference between a band following a trend for the cash and exploit, and a band that is all about the music they make and could care less about the fame, recognition, money? That is bold, a little presumptuous. I don't even think I want to take the time to explain why you're wrong about me, or about Bush. The reason being is that you seem to be one of those people that regard your opinion as irrefutable fact. This opinion you have is also a popular opinion among many. It's an opinion I have always found hilarious, and wrong. But that's just my OPINION on that.

It's just too funny that you make all these claims about Bush and what they're about. You're blue in the face with how certain you are that they were made to be this more accessible 'face' of Grunge music, not so edgy as you put it or edgy at all, that Bush and the music the band made back when Grunge was so popular had no point to it other than to be exactly what you claim it was. It's as if you're saying the four men that made up the band were merely controlled by a label and told what to play if they want to make millions, and so they did. You sound ridiculous Urban, or rather the opinion you have does. You've said all you said about Bush. If you want to think they're facts. So be it. You think what you want.

As for your claim that the band has been forgotten about. You must not pay attention to them at all. Their last album, The Sea Of Memories, it was commercially successful, maybe not to the extent of a platinum record, but it was successful. And their recent tours by the way were also successful. Plenty of sold out shows, some arena shows played and filled pretty decently, not small crowds but not massive like a Metallica arena show, but big enough nonetheless. Bush is not forgotten about, you oaf. Launching several successful tours in 2011, up till now would not be possible if they were forgotten about. And don't give me that crap of comparing how successful Bush was in the 90's compared to now. Never a valid example.

Try again man.

Last edited by CoNtrivedNiHilism; 10-10-2014 at 02:27 AM.
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