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Old 10-18-2014, 08:53 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Up until I was 7 I just listened to whatever, didn't mean much to me. Mainly what my parents listened to but I remember loving the Backstreet Boys harmonies when I was 5, but I never pursued it.

At 7 I started getting more into music, mainly what my parents listened to because my dad had upwards of 800 cds. My favourites were Metallica, POD, Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath.

At around 9, I got really into metal, mainly old school metal but there were a couple of newer artists I loved. Some favourites: Pantera, Maiden, Fear Factory, Slayer (who I wasn't allowed to listen to so I made a point of listening to them. Up yours mom.), and Alice in Chains.

I stayed on the metal route until I was about 14, and I mainly rooted around in various metal subgenres as well as some alt-rock like Seether and 3 Days Grace.

At 14 I started going back and gaining a love for psychedelic and 60s music. Some favourite artists were Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Zeppelin, and Cream. Late in my 14th year, a friend showed me Frank Zappa's Inca Roads and that massively impacted my taste. I started digging around and trying to find crazier and crazier prog like him.

Through Hot Rats, I heard the name Beefheart, but it wasn't until I was 15 when I first heard TMR. Hated it. But I listened to Safe As Milk, got hooked, then decided out of the blue to lend TMR my ear and I never got it back. From there I explored the avant-garde territory and found John Zorn. No turning back now.

I started to really get into jazz, mainly free jazz at the hands of Albert Ayler when I was 16. From there I went headfirst and became a massive free-jazz and avant-garde lover. I also started listening to post-punk, modern classical, and industrial music. It was also then that I joined MB.

When I was 18, Goofle helped me out with demolishing my hatred for hip-hop and after a little bit I added hip-hop to the list of genres that I listened to.

Now at 20 I listen to a lot of avant-garde music and free jazz still, with a healthy dose of hip-hop, throat singing, folk, metal, psychedelic music, electronic, noise (I think I started getting into that at around 17), and blues, among others.

It's kind of hard to map out exactly when I started getting into different things, because after around 16, I really started to spread out my reach.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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