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Old 10-21-2014, 02:39 PM   #170 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
**** you. That episode was adorable. And how did that ruin the Borg? It was one episode. The only other Borg turned into a humanized character was Seven of Nine, so it didn't really have any fallout. The Borg queen was just retarded, and dominated the depiction of the Borg from then on. That whole movie was dumb as ****.
Oh for the love of... ! It ruined the Borg because for the first time ever, Trek had a totally ALIEN alien, who had no emotions and could not be reasoned with. A foe Picard RAN FROM, and who KICKED STARFLEET'S ARSE at Wolf 359. An enemy we could finally feel might be too much for the Federation.

And then...

... they ****ing humanised them! They made us feel sorry for them, made us look at them and say "Aw, they're just like us." NO THEY ****ING AREN'T! Any humanity in a Borg has long been destroyed and they are now just pure automatons who work for the advancement of the hive mind. They are NOT pets, they are NOT human and they are NOT our friends. "I, Borg" decided to make them more human-friendly and in the process destroyed any sense of invulnerability they had, and made them no longer scary. Why oh why couldn't the writers leave them as they were? It didn't serve any purpose. It's like when Doctor Who made us feel sorry for a dying Dalek??? Some things are not meant to be understood, pitied or changed in any way. The very fact that you think "I Borg" was "adorable" shows how much your, and everyone else's, perception of them was changed by one stupid episode.

And why didn't Picard wipe them out when he had a chance?

But I do agree about the Borg Queen. What a bitch.

Mods, feel free to move these posts to the "Calling all nerds" thread if you wish, as it's probably better suited to that one.
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