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Old 10-29-2014, 12:58 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
...along with the labels that are no longer about signing the bands, acts, singers, or whatever that have the talent and something to say. This is music that I firmly believe is really slitting the figurative throat of good music, while the aforementioned good music is pushed aside in a bloody mess...metaphorically.

You've got stuff like...


Nicki was in a movie a watched with my fiance called The Other Woman. And yeah, just like her music, she really bombed in the movie and annoyed the hell out of me with how she talked, just like with her music that annoys the hell out of me. People buy this ****? Come one...stop buying music just because it's fun to listen to, even when it's bad music...just stop. Buy the albums that are worth buying, support the bands or artists worth supporting. Not this trash...

Moving along...

Lorde won an award for best rock video. Really? Give me a break...a pop star winning the award for best rock video. Fire everyone behind that awards show, get people in there that know their music and this won't happen anymore.

The statement I'm making with this thread, is simply that I have an issue with this kind of music, how so many call these people talented when their music is just laughable. They win grammy's, have platinum records. It's a problem everyone. I have an issue with the people that buy records from artists like this, that allow them to stay around and continue making this...this garbage, and they're praised for it! This past week, I was at my mall and overheard some woman, mid twenties...say, around 26, and she was praising Kesha and how talented she is. I nearly lost my mind hearing that? She's part of what's wrong with the music these days! The good music seems to not even matter anymore, the genuine artists or bands with talent, and something to say don't seem to matter anymore, pretty much to hardly anyone! It aggravates the hell out of me.

I guess the record labels have to make money somehow. And to just cut ties with the acts they know will get them that money because they can manipulate them to making the music that's popular, top 40, so on and so forth, would be like cutting the jugular. I just feel like talent isn't important at all to labels anymore, or to people in general. It's all about that money for the labels, and to ordinary people, they just want music with a phat beat and no point to it. Shoot me in the head and put an end to my misery...

Who else feels this way?
I actually feel you have a point, at first I thought it was just a cultural shift and that R&B would continue to rule the charts, but when it started to give way, I found that the music was still bad.

I'll just make three points

1. Once upon a time indie bands (take new wave for example) would push their way to the top, to make pop music interesting and give it some authenticity.

2) Despite the success of Goyte, these types of bands just don't seem to get a push anymore, examples of songs I think could have been at least top 40 hits, but never went anywhere

3) Instead we have to endure this horrible butchering of once great past songs with sampling (this one still really ruffles my panties)

and I'm still perturbed that this was the number 1 hit back in 2009

So I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old & out of touch, but a lot of pop music today sucks hard!
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