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Old 11-01-2014, 08:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Music Banter Awards 2014: Phase 1 - Discussion / Categories

It's November 1st, and I have taken the liberty of running this years MusicBanter Awards. As it's been mentioned in the Awards thread, if there is any reason that I shouldn't be running this, feel free to let me know and we can sort that out. However, I feel that since we are in the 2nd to the last month of the year, it's better to get things rolling as soon as possible so that we have as much time as we need to do this constructively and efficiently. I don't like to rush people into doing things, so more time is better.

Here is how i'm seeing the layout for this little thing, and it's going to basically be the way it's been done each year, with my own little touch.

Phase 1 - Discussion / Categories
This is what we are currently in, and it will be the time for members to throw in their ideas about what categories they'd like to see in this year awards, as well as general discussion. Once we've reached a pretty good list of categories, we can move onto the next phase, which is honestly one of my favorite parts of this whole thing.

Phase 2 - Voting Process
Depending on how long or little time it takes to get the categories sorted, the next phase will either happen near the end of this month, or at the start of December. I'd really like to get the voting process up and running before the month of November ends, but no later than the first week of December. This is the time where we will put the members into each category as we see fit. I'll come up with a deadline for when the votes should be posted. If there is any reason that you can't get your votes in by the deadline, just let me know and we can work something out.

That is one of the things we can discuss, as to how we should go about the voting. Should it be 3 members tops for each category and then we just choose 1 through elimination? Or should we just keep it to 1. I personally like it to be simple and just have each person voting put 1 member for each category. This way, it's easier to tally up votes. And the member with the most votes for that category will win automatically, instead of having 3 members fighting for the title. If that's not something we should do, i'm happy to discuss it.

Phase 3 - Results / End
Pretty self explanatory, once the voting process has taken place or we've reached the deadline for votes, the voting process will come to an end, and I will tally up the votes, and the results will be posted.

If anything is confusing or doesn't make sense, feel free to post in this thread. If all looks good, we can get the ball rolling and get into this. Let's have a fun and entertaining MusicBanter Awards!
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