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Old 12-06-2005, 01:01 PM   #1102 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by franscar
No, it isn't making sense. What is the point of bringing more and more children into this already overcrowded world when the parents by their own admission are not capable of bringing them up correctly? There's already plenty of kids commiting suicide because of depression, alienation, poor upbringings and a lack of emotional connection with the people around them.

I can't understand how you can give so little weight to the thoughts and needs of the two people with the biggest responsibility to any child born into this world. And on your point about money, well lets put it like this. You never see your parents because they are always working to scrape together enough money to feed you, clothe you, and bring you toys. You think you'd be happy without that relationship?

Don't worry, you can't make me feel worse for the decision we made, because we both knew at the time it was the right decision to take. I just take issue with the use of the word selfish, especially when it isn't backed up with anything more productive than "you might not have been poor forever". The reality when you're in the situation is a lot more serious than to be clouded by might be's what if's and maybes not's.

I'm not even going to get into a debate as to the "life" of a foetus, because it will end up being bogged down in theocracy and I have no toleration for religious agendas.
it's like you don't understand what i'm saying and yet your statements confirm it, you put your own needs before the needs of the child, that's a fact, claiming that the child would not have been happy or that you would have screwd up it's life is a bullshit excuse. there are plenty of ways to ensure that the woman is not going to get pregnant, shit happens, but my opinion is that you should be a grown up and own that shit when it does happen, not run away from your is taken way too lightly, if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to deal with the consequences. YOU had sex, and yet another creature is paying for it with it's own life because YOU decided you couldn't deal with it. that my friend, is why i call it the ultimate selfish act.

my friends father is an abusive alchoholic, my father is an asshole who abuses me and my family physically and mentaly, do i or my friend whish we hadn't been born? do we wish our mothers decided to have an aborsion because we would have been better off dead? hell no, i thank god for evey breath i take....good or bad, life is a gift, once it's been created we don't have the right to end it. especially because of such a bullshit reason as " oh, we're too young, we're not ready"...

as for the question of when life begins, i don't think there's a person in this world that can deny that life begins in the moment of conception. everything else, saying that life begins in this or that week of pregnancy, is bullshit and arbitrary, if it's growning and developing , it's life....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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