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Old 11-29-2014, 06:16 PM   #228 (permalink)
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That's right, it's that time of the year for frolicking, joy, and a little bit of death. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems like Satan has decided to take the role of handing out gifts this year, and by gifts I mean music, more specifically heavy music, i.e. death metal, melodic death metal, progressive death metal, anything like that.

Satan has decided that since he's just so fucking tired of seeing all the joy and happiness in our world, he's wanting to change things up, and that means potentially ridding Santa of this world by making his ears bleed with as much power as we can.

Still not sure what's going on? Well, i'll tell you. The entire month of December, my journal is dedicated to doing two things: ridding the joys of Christmas with a taste of death metal. No, that does not mean i'm copying metal month, i'm being much more specific and sticking to one genre and the sub genres alike. Satan would not be very happy if he had to listen to heavy metal, I asked him, he doesn't want it. He heard the word "death" and was excited and told me to go with that, so I am. And two, it'll be me presenting my favorites in the death metal genre as well as giving some new albums a listen, some of which I will take recommendations. Feel free to send some album names my way if you think they will fit and I will like them, and i'll talk about them.

The way I want to do this is not just give albums reviews. I mean, I can do that, but I'm not great at it. If I do end up doing reviews, they'll be short and sweet. I just want to talk about bands, their music, and anything relating to death metal, so expect to see a variety of things. I'm mostly doing this for my own personal liking, but if you end up liking it, that's good too, I guess.

Santa must be brought down, and Satan must reign supreme. Keep an eye out on December 1st for the first post in this month of madness that is to come.
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