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Old 11-30-2014, 12:39 AM   #6375 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
Uh, thanks? Is looking like a tranny supposed to be a negative thing? Because that's what you're basically saying in not so many words. So I also don't look like a real woman? And using the word tranny is offensive to some people. Lay off the booze bro.
No, not negative. I don't harbor any ill-will to folks who want to live their lives as they wish. It's as simple as the impression of an image.

To be more honest, you'd probably look HEAPS better with simply less makeup. I think you've got a naturally good looking face under there somewhere beneath the inch-thick layer of makeup. I think you should let it show. As of the pictures you've published thus far, the makeup overload reminds me of a transsexual. That's all.

Of course, I'm not someone qualified to make judgments on beauty in some objective way, but at the very least, I'm completely capable of having an opinion and expressing it. And, with that being my only contributory ability as a human being, I kinda do it.
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