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Old 11-30-2014, 09:14 AM   #52 (permalink)
moon lake inc.
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Originally Posted by Amedeo MCh View Post
As you can see, there are people here who still leave comments related to the thread`s theme . So I think that the only one disturbed by me writing with caps lock is Trollheart and the people that support him ( who wouldn`t have commented if it hadn`t been for his intervention ) . I understand. Maybe, next time, try to judge a person not for what Trollheart says or what he thinks of that person. I don`t understand how everything is actually depending on him. He`s not such a big deal . I don`t understand how blind can some people be to say that is actually my fault that Trollheart commented on this post. I pushed him to do it by writing with caps. Oh God, then I do really have a problem ! It is nonsense, for God sake ! It`s like you wouldn`t know how to handle this situation because there was nobody here until now who wouldn`t have " obeyed " to the community`s social rules. It`s ridiculous people. Come to your senses. I`m not gonna shut up, `cause I just answered to the insults which were adressed to me. I didn`t talk to him before, so he`s the one who started this. Let`s say that we`ve never talked and so on.. I don`t want to comment here anymore, because I don`t want to make views on a thread like " Omg, he did really picked a fight Trollheart ! Let`s do him ! " . It`s soooo useless.

Sooo, let`s say : Trollheart is nothing for me and I still believe I`m right
You shouldn`t have defended him soo blindly, because you just proved nonsenses : it`s my fault,actually, you`re right !
I just answered Trollheart trying to look better than me, on my thread, highlighting the fact that we don`t know each other
I don`t know how you tried to help me, but please, tell your minions to stop supporting you so roughly, `cause all they do is to destroy the intellect you claim to have . On one hand, you try to prove me that you`re fair and you just wanted to be friendly or something, and on the other hand, they say that it`s my fault for everything you`ve said, because I should have shut up and obey to you and that you didn`t find any other way to show your superior intellect on me
Soo, these being said, please, stop commenting if you don`t have anyting to say realted to the thread`s theme. There are people who didn`t judge me for writing with caps and who still comment here peacefully, so I guess the problem is you. There are people who listen only 1 or 2 styles of music. So, who`s the one who said that I was wrong when I adressed this thread to you ? Actually, there aren`t only people who listen everysingle kind of music. So I think you were wrong and you wouldn`t have spoken for anybody, `cause you don`t know all of them So, please leave this thread and don`t come again. I really don`t need you and I won`t miss you, trust me XD
The problem with that is the thread really has no point we've already seen before a hundred times hell there are threads addressing this more or less on the front page, so it becomes redundant. And the fact that you are taking all of this so seriously I won't lie bothers me a little bit, if you plan to create an acount on a site like this expect a lot of joking weather you're new or not it just how it works. And no I wouldn't have commented because I saw no real reason to comment on it, I've done this thread thus it's pointless, but I saw Trollheart's comment thought it was funny, then I saw your reaction which was taking this all too seriously so yeah I commented back
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