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Old 12-04-2014, 05:56 PM   #19 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 899

Whales being flensed.

The tryworks on a whaleship.

Whalemen in the crow's nest watch for whales spouting in the distance. Many blacks, Indians and "Kanakys" (Polynesians) sailed in the Yankee whale fleet.

The Baptist church of old Nantucket.

Nantucket street. The platform on the roof at the right is called a "widow's walk." The captain's wife would stand up there when her husband's ship was due home hoping to spy them as early as possible. She wasn't a widow but lived as one.

The women of Nantucket ran the island's business with their men out to sea for 3-5 years at a stretch. They were shrewd and tough and made the island lots of money. Many of them fought loneliness with a type of di-ldo called a "he-at-home."

Nantucket today.

Panorama of old Nantucket.

Beautiful captain's house. Captains in the whaling fleet were actually called "ship masters." Many built beautiful houses for their lonely wives with their whale money.

Captain Fred Parker was a retired ship master who lived as a nomad who wore his uniform in tatters and shoes with no socks. He had a little cabin with a sand floor! Yet, he was a friendly man who greeted newcomers to the island.
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