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Thread: if you were god
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Old 12-05-2014, 10:01 PM   #70 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
as JWB pointed out, common sense would have you believe they want quality of life improvements when considering nutrition, and maybe shelter. But do they actually want to live differently? Idk, you don't know, and it's certainly a personal thing that can't be applied to an entire culture/tribe.

It was pointed out in another thread how some of the people in these areas were attacking hospitals trying to help them. Take that into consideration.
obviously i can't say some **** like "everyone who's ****ed up doesn't like it" without intervieiwing everyone on earth. but seriously.... watch vice news. particularly any of the vids relating to africa. you'll feel pretty dumb real quick. no disrespect. but it's just human nature, people don't like being poverty stricken and wartorn.

@ the second part... i'm assuming you're talking about the ebola ****. basically some africans have weird beliefs about witchcraft and ****. its not that they don't actually want the help its that they don't trust those people are actually trying to help them. but they're basically misguided.
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