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Old 12-10-2014, 08:56 PM   #29 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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my ADD makes reading slower cause i constantly start thinking about other ****. sometimes i will be saying the words im reading in my head but not paying attention to them and actually thinking about something else, then i will have to backtrack and re-read that section to get it.

i generally do like reading though.. but it has to be the right kind of writing. i like a lot of 20th century stuff... hemingway, steinbeck, bukowski, philip k dick, etc.. and i can even **** with some older stuff to a certain extent like a few poe stories and whatnot... but generally speaking i have a harder time with stuff that is really old. even dickens and stuff like that can be a bit boring to me. i remember some of the stuff they made us read in high school was absolute torture to me. beowulf and shakespeare and that kind of ****... can't do it, man.

i did start reading the iliad though and i liked it. especially the part where zeus was telling his woman hera to slow her role like "look bitch, i tell you the things i think you can handle and the rest is for me to worry about." zeus knows how to keep his pimp hand strong.
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