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Old 12-13-2014, 03:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 14
Default Never Flowers (a poem)

Please give me feedback on this poem:

Take hold,
And rip:
Keep ripping, until
All you see it
Nothing human here -
No sorry words,
No sympathy.
If you know me,
Why forsake me?
But you
Could never tell:
Your hands are clean,
Where mine
Are not.
You are so in your own heard,
How does it not burst your eardrums
When you speak?
Sharp fingernails
And cracked palms;
Still beautiful.
Cut quicker,
And notice:
There is less pain,
And more
An aftermath to crave
Until I fall.
You have no idea who I am!
You hardly speak to me,
Except to say:
You wish I would stop;
Forget this,
And all I ever say -
Nothing will come of it;
All will continue,
And I shall hurt.
Rip out throats,
So dry,
And hoarse from screaming
Hate me,
And tear;
Keep tearing, until
All you hear is Love;
Nothing suspicious here -
No broken words,
No torn-up lives.
If you knew me,
Why bring me knives?
Never flowers.
Never that.
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