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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 12-13-2014, 06:49 PM   #17488 (permalink)
Ask me how!
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Join Date: Oct 2014
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Well, i'm new to this whole thing, and I usually don't like to talk about myself, but I'll try...

My parents hate each other, and got divorced, but have lived in the same house for years. I've lived in the same house as them so that I could save my money to put myself through community college (I got a scholarship, which really helped, but I still had to pay quite a bit out of pocket). I got fired from my job for working too much (I worked the maximum amount of hours that a part-time employee can work for the year, and rather than give me a full time manager position, which they often give out to some pretty lazy people, they simply canned me). Because I used my bike to get around, I never bothered to turn my learner's permit into a license, and now it's really coming back to haunt me.

Not only that, but the house is being foreclosed by the bank due to some paperwork mistake made years ago, so i'm moving out (lifting boxes and furniture around while sick with a cold isn't the worst thing ever, but it isn't very fun). Not to mention that my parents are kind of insane (one is either super happy or super depressed, and has tried to commit suicide before. The other is incredibly aggressive and critical, to the point where all of my siblings suffer some kind of psychological trauma because of them. For instance, one of my sisters became bulemic after they made fun of her for being fat. And she was no older than ten at the time). And although this is probably the least of my problems, I really love chinese food but because i'm sick right now it just kind of makes me queasy when I eat it... My cold is winding down, though. Oh, also, the new place doesn't have an internet connection, which is why I ended my journal kind of abruptly.

Phew, felt good to get all of that off my chest! Everyone's got their problems, and sometimes it really helps to complain about them once in awhile.
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