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Old 12-14-2014, 07:38 PM   #930 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cactus waltz View Post
That's a bit of an unfair argument, as it says more about the stability of Brian Wilson's psyche than it does of his capability as a musician. We know that he was depressed and had a troubled childhood, but that he was a great talent nonetheless.

For me personally, the Beach Boys have slightly more high emotional peaks than the Beatles. "Pet Sounds" is my favorite album of all time, after all. I also think that if Brian Wilson hadn't collapsed and had been able to release "Smile" as was intended (discounting the 2004 version), it would've been a classic on par with Sergeant Pepper and it'll always be a bit of a thorn in my side that things went the way they did. Songs like "Heroes ans villains", "Good vibrations" and especially "Surf's up" are simply brilliant, multi-layered and splendid.

But yeah. It's difficult. Maybe I have to give it to the Beatles in the end, for all of their accomplishments and rock history "firsts". That was an awful lot of pioneering in a few years. They were also hugely talented and all-rounded and had a number of great songs and albums. Comparing the two, I think my "objective" vote goes to the Beatles, but the Beach Boys are closer to my heart.
I think this post sums it up best for me.
Personally, I can't and don't try to compare the two bands, very different bands, different music. Even when I heard the earlier BB stuff as a kid, it sounded very unique and I don't mean the surf sound.
What I do know is what I respond to emotionally, and as much as I love the Beatles, I respond to the Beach Boys on a higher emotional level.

Here is a quote from Anthony DeCurtis (Rolling Stone) re: early BBs that sums it up:
"When you first heard it, you just didn't realize how much work and how complex that sound is. It's very easy to be complex and to show off or to have people think 'Wow, that's complex'. What's difficult is to be complex and have every single thing you do have an emotional impact and have the hearer not even be aware of it, just hear it as a pop song, hear it the first time and get it. That's hard and that's what Brian Wilson can do."
Pet Sounds and Smile is on another level.
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