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Old 12-15-2014, 07:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
Noah Goulet
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 4
Default Music Theory Ideas

One could say that Mozart was the most genius composer of all time. The rate at which he wrote and the quality of his work was unmatched. However, he was not as influential as other composers. Bach has an unmatched intellectuality in his fugues, and the Well-Tempered Clavier revolutionized tonality. His work in counterpoint was not only admired by Mozart himself, but also by more modern composers such as the Beatles. Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas used unprecedented tempo and dynamic changes which led to the emotionally expressive romantic era. During the romantic era, a common fashion was to have a dissonant chord start a phrase and have a key derived from it which resolved to a consonant chord. Wagner, however, in the Tristan prelude, placed one discord after another without resolution. This led to modern music. These three composers made music what it is today, which leads to the question: what's next?
I'm calling upon musicians of every genre and experience level to brainstorm ideas. In my own work I try to use technically difficult theory, although it's all been established before. We need a new style that builds upon modern music in a way that is unprecedented. If you look at the lengths of each era, you'll find that it's about time for us to get into a new one. So, this thread is open to posting ideas as to how we can start a new musical paradigm. The only rule is that we must cast aside the competitive aspect of music and work as a team. If this succeeds, no one individual will receive credit.
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